
Wednesday 1 December 2021

Healthy food you can eat

 Hello if you are wondering what food you can eat for this week you could try some of these

thanks for viewing my blog 

Thursday 16 September 2021

Acid or Alkaline?

Litmus is a tree lichen fungi and is made into small paper strips or a liquid for testing acids or alkalines.

  1. Blue Litmus paper determines if something is acidic. It turns red in solutions with a pH of less than 7.

  2. Red Litmus paper determines if something is alkaline. It turns blue in solutions with a pH greater than 7.


  1. Red Litmus paper

  2. Blue Litmus paper

  3. Sodium Hydroxide

  4. Hydrochloric acid

  5. Pipette

  6. 4 Test tubes


  1. Rip the litmus paper in half and put half in each test tube.

  2. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the blue litmus paper in test tube 1.

  3. Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the red litmus paper in test tube 2.

  4. Add 3 drop of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 3.

  5. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 4.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Story of parihaka

 Opinion: My opinion about the parihaka stories is that the pakeha should not have stolen the Maori's land. they should of went to a place without anybody on it and taken that land to stop what they caused. If they did go to a different place we wouldn't be in New Zealand and instead, we would be in London or America.

Main Ideas: The idea of the parihaka story is that it is telling us to not do what happened in the past. If we do that New Zealand will have a lot of racism which isn't good. And if we had a war we wouldn't be a peaceful country

Questions: I want to know why the pakeha couldn't go to a different country? And why didn't the Maori just find a different spot to avoid all the drama? I wonder why the author made this story so short instead of a proper book?

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Te Reo Maori

 Hi, there welcome to my blog this week is Maori week as you might know so we have been learning about Maori. Like saying how we are feeling. so I have done this DLO on why Maori is important

Thank you for reading my blog!

Thursday 9 September 2021

Baking Soda

 Baking soda can be used in multiple ways such as:

10: Remove scuff marks on your walls

9: Under arm deodorant?

8: Cleaning the sink

7: Cleaning tiles

6: cleaner

5: put it in the cat litter for less smell

4: cleaning your oven

3: wash build up in your hair

2: carpet cleaner

1: laundry detergent

Also can be used to make sherbert

These are the ingredients:

1 tsp of powdered drink crystals / raro

¼ tsp citric acid

½ tsp icing sugar

¼ tsp baking soda

Thursday 19 August 2021

lockdown day 2

 Day one was okay but I'm starting to get bored on day two. That's why I have been playing brawlhalla and minecraft more. I'm also going for a walk today, maybe even a bike ride, only around the block though. I wish that we were not in lockdown so my birthday party would be this week. But i guess I can't change the fact that we are locked in our houses. And if i could i would go to the park and play volleyball. When i go back to my pc im going to build something in creative the end.

that was 100 words just like my last one

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Covid 19 100 word story

 New Zealand has been put into lockdown for three days. If you don't know what lockdown is then search it on google. During lockdown you have to isolate yourself from the world. There are some exceptions such as family members that you live with, shopping for food and doctors/hospitals. But make sure to wear a mask if you dont you could spread the virus that put us into lockdown in the first place. And if you have the covid tracer app use it as much as possible. Otherwise like I said it will spread, that's how we got it.

not including these words that im write here that was 100 words. and remember stay safe and if you are sick stay home